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Waste-Free Future Summit

Over the course of three days, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in five free virtual sessions highlighting innovative tools and successful strategies that communities across the country can utilize to tackle our waste crisis. Register today to engage with experts, advocates, and volunteers who are working to shape a more sustainable, waste-free world.

Environmental Advocates Arrive in D.C. to Urge Lawmakers to Act on Plastics

United States Capitol Building in Washington DC USA

Kirstie Pecci, Just Zero – kpecci@just-zero.org, (617) 529-6101
Graham Hamilton, Break Free From Plastic – graham@breakfreefromplastic.org

June 14, 2023 – Environmental advocates are in Washington, D.C. for the second annual Week of Action in support of strong federal legislation to protect communities and the planet from dangerous single-use plastics. One of the best ways for the federal government to take action is to pass several anticipated plastic reduction bills, including the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act. This federal bill is expected to be sponsored by Senator Jeff Merkley and Representative Katherine Clark. It would set a clear path for the country to break away from the toxic lifecycle of plastics and would advance a more sustainable and equitable Zero Waste future.

Plastics production and disposal pose serious threats to the environment, our climate, and public health. And yet, the U.S. produces more plastic waste than any other country in the world. The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act would incorporate key provisions to address this crisis, including a ban on certain unnecessary single-use plastic products, measures to hold packaging producers and consumer brands accountable for the waste they create, a nationwide beverage container deposit program, and a moratorium on new and expanded plastics production facilities.

“Environmental groups are coming together in solidarity this week to push for real solutions that put people and the planet before plastics,” said Kirstie Pecci, Executive Director for Just Zero. “This is an important opportunity for legislators to understand the full scope of the plastics crisis. Plastics pollute at every stage of their lifecycle. Nationwide laws that stop plastic pollution before it starts are the only way to break that cycle.”

Representatives from environmental organizations across the country are meeting with federal legislators this week to mobilize support for real solutions to the plastics crisis. The goal is to educate legislators on the need to eliminate single-use plastics and counter the constant misinformation spread by fossil fuel lobbyists.

“We are grateful that legislators like Senator Merkley and Representative Clark are working to eliminate plastic pollution,” said Graham Hamilton, US Policy Officer for Break Free From Plastic. “We’re hopeful that their colleagues will join them in working toward a future free from toxic plastic pollution. That’s why environmental advocates from around the country are in D.C. this week – to share resources, build community, and show legislators why breaking free from plastic needs to be a priority.” 

Just Zero works alongside environmental groups throughout the country to break the toxic cycle of producing and disposing of single-use plastics. For more information, please visit www.just-zero.org or reach out to Just Zero team members for further comment.


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