Just Zero's Waste-Free Future Summit logo

Register now for Just Zero's
Waste-Free Future Summit

Over the course of three days, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in five free virtual sessions highlighting innovative tools and successful strategies that communities across the country can utilize to tackle our waste crisis. Register today to engage with experts, advocates, and volunteers who are working to shape a more sustainable, waste-free world.

Four friends, not facing the camera. Arms around each others backs in solidarity

Become a Member

Just Zero is a member-supported non-profit organization. That means we rely on donations from our members to fund our advocacy work. But it also means we look to our members for guidance on our priorities and for help spreading the word about important opportunities to make a difference. Just Zero members are our partners and collaborators as we strive for just and equitable solutions to our waste crisis.

Why Should I Become a Just Zero Member?

Because we can’t do this without you! We need your insight, your passion, and your financial support to take on the big companies and corporate lobbyists that fight hard to block or undermine Zero Waste reforms.

Maybe you’ve been pushing for years for Zero Waste policies, like single-use plastic bans or composting programs, in your state, town, or neighborhood. Maybe you’re one of the 76 million people in the U.S. who live near a landfill or incinerator, and you’d like to see it shut down for good. Or maybe you’re new to the movement, and want to learn more.

No matter who you are, we want to learn with you, learn from you, and use your support to push for the Zero Waste world we all deserve.

How Do I Become a Just Zero Member?

Sign up to donate at least $5 or more per year. That’s it. We won’t pretend that $5 is trivial, because it isn’t. Not to you and definitely not to us. Because we are a small, cutting edge, efficient team, we will put your gift to immediate and effective use as we push for Zero Waste solutions with Zero climate-damaging emissions and Zero toxic exposures.

What Do I Get When I Become a Just Zero Member?

Our members are an important part of our extended team. When you join us as a Just Zero member, you get access to our newsletters and other outreach. You will have opportunities to join us in direct action campaigns and member appreciation events. And you’ll know that you’re helping us achieve our mission to create a world that relies on community-centered Zero Waste solutions with zero climate-damaging emissions and zero toxic exposures.

We also invite our members for advice on policy initiatives and priorities through member meetings and other opportunities for feedback, input, and reflection.

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