Kirstie Pecci, Just Zero – kpecci@just-zero.org, (508) 347-5507
Jake O’Neill, Conservation Law Foundation – joneill@clf.org, (617) 850-1709
April 20, 2023 – A coalition of twelve environmental groups urged the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to take immediate, nation-leading action to implement Zero Waste solutions that will fight climate change and protect the health and safety of Massachusetts residents. In a letter sent to Commissioner Bonnie Heiple, the groups presented eight actionable solutions that will help Massachusetts break away from the toxic false choice between burning and burying waste.
“Zero Waste solutions are the most effective way for Commissioner Heiple to live up to her commitments to equity, fighting climate damage, and protecting communities from toxic exposures,” said Kirstie Pecci, Just Zero’s Executive Director. “It’s time for bold action that puts people first and stops the waste industry from spreading misinformation.”
The Zero Waste solutions detailed in the coalition’s letter include banning food scraps from waste disposal, requiring statewide dual-stream recycling, supporting Bottle Bill modernization, and implementing a statewide pay-as-you-throw program for trash. These solutions, and others detailed in the letter, could transform Massachusetts into a national leader on eliminating, reducing, and diverting waste.
“For far too long, Massachusetts has been stuck in an expensive, toxic, and climate-damaging cycle of burning and burying waste,” said Mara Shulman, Senior Attorney at Conservation Law Foundation. “We’re asking Commissioner Heiple to break this toxic cycle and enact Zero Waste policies that prioritize reducing, diverting, composting, and recycling.”
Just Zero, Conservation Law Foundation, and the other groups signed on to the letter are eager to work with Commissioner Heiple and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to chart a bold new course toward Zero Waste.